Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ann Fox Presents Color Program

Ann Fox, from Brandon, presented a program entitled Coloring Our Quilts to Pine Belt Quilters in Hattiesburg at the March guild meeting. Ann taught x-ray technology at University Medical Center for 37 years. After retiring she visited a quilt guild and became intrigued with all aspects of color. She contrasted her years of studying shades of black, white, and gray to the spectrum of color we see in everyday life all about us. She set about to learn all she could from the color wheel and books and classes.
Ann holds two examples of the Shoo Fly block and explains what a difference can be achieved by manipulating values.

An example of neutrals with only red strips for accent.
The importance of value contrast was stressed in this essentially two-color quilt.
Ann will conduct a Color workshop for the guild on Wednesday, March 28.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

2012 Will Be a Busy Year

Pine Belt Quilters got off to a busy start for 2012. New officers began their two-year terms: Betty Allen, president; Donna Crager, vice president; Linda Flanders, Secretary/Newsletter Editor; Margie Hancock, treasurer.
Betty Allen, Donna Crager, Linda Flanders, Margie Hancock
Of course, since 2012 is our quilt show year, many of our activities will center around those preparations, but we have a busy schedule of programs, workshops, boutique workshops, and our ongoing children's quilts and pillow and walker tote projects.
Wanda Wallace, Membership

Our new officers are pictured in front of our raffle quilt, "Life On Our Planet," which depicts embroidered blocks of living things set with pinwheels and flying geese of batiks. Blocks for the queen-size quilt were made by our members, assembled by Jo-Ann Evans, and quilted by Susie Jackson.
Our January and February programs were presented by Donna Burges, Rhoda Libiez, and Kim Overstreet on Sampler Quilts. They will present a variety of block patterns throughout the year and conduct workshops to help members make the blocks.
Rhoda Libiez, Donna Burges, Kim Overstreet
Show and Tell of some completed blocks
Our meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall of University Baptist Church, and sometimes the setup of the room is designed for other events. In these pictures, UBC was preparing for the 20th anniversary of the Backdoor Coffee House. So our quilt program had a little added interest in the background!