Linda Dyken |
She keeps a quilt diary with details on every quilt, including the date made, pattern source, type of batting, colors and fabrics, and even sometimes what was going on in the news or in her personal life during the making of the quilt. She prefers YLI quilting thread and Jean Lyle Q-11 needles, and uses a hera for marking dark fabrics (small plastic tool with a sharp edge that will crease but not cut).
Our quilters turned in 87 pillows to Betty Bingham for distribution to local hospitals, and Geraldine Simmons and Betty Herring showed 13 walker totes and 8 catheter bag covers ready to donate. They told us how grateful the nurses and patients were to receive these and encouraged all of us to continue to make these items.
Our December meeting will be a potluck luncheon and a time for giving more quilts to agencies. We will also bring stockings plus toys and women's gifts for Domestic Abuse Family Shelter. Shirley Wiltshire had some stocking kits since we did not have a Boutique workday for stockings. So we have many opportunities to share our blessings and make Christmas a happy time for our community.