Monday, July 29, 2013

PBQ Members in 2013 Hoffman Challenge

Two of our Pine Belt Quilters members have quilts accepted to travel in the Hoffman Challenge. Jo-Ann Evans' quilt "Kokeshi Dolls" is approximately 28'" x 35". It will be traveling with Group D.
Kokeshi Dolls by Jo-Ann Evans
28" x 35"

Joe Bingham has two quilts which will be in the traveling exhibits: "Sanctuary" and “Corner of Judge’s Background Window.” Both of these quilts are 20" x 24".

Sanctuary by Joe Bingham
20" x 24"

Corner of Judge's Background Window by Joe Bingham
20" x 24"


Saturday, July 20, 2013

MQA Educational Seminar with Nancy Mahoney

We hosted the third session of the MQA Educational Seminar with Nancy Mahoney at UBC in Hattiesburg. We had 15 participants on Friday and 18 on Saturday.
Nancy Mahoney with her quilts Summer Heat and Chocolate Caramel Stars
Nancy has written 14 books and is an author/editor for Martingale. She will be teaching on a 10-day cruise to Alaska on the Grand Princess in August. (See Nancy's website for details.)

Day 1 Class
Day 2 Class

Each student had her own table to work on, and we were spread out all over Kelley Fellowship Hall. It is like moving to pack up the machines, mats, rotary cutters, fabric, and all the other sewing equipment needed to take one of these classes. But we are lucky that MQA hosts these annual educational seminars with nationally known teachers.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Parade of Children's Quilts

Pine Belt Quilters had a large turnout for our annual July luncheon and Parade of Children's Quilts. We had 34 new quilts brought in for the Parade, and members voted for their favorite by ballot. Makers completely encircled the room to give everyone a good look at the quilts.
The tables were decorated with red, white and blue streamers and flags, and we had a full table of delicious summer foods. In addition to the quilts brought in, members turned in 63 pillows, 15 walker totes, and 23 catheter bag covers. These will be donated to Forrest General Hospital and Marion County General Hospital. We have received thank-you letters describing how happy these gifts make the patients who receive them.


Winners  3rd - Otha Mae Edwards, 2nd - Dianne McLendon, 1st - Kathy Houseal

Representatives from five agencies were present to receive quilts. We gave each agency approximately 17 quilts, for a total of 85 quilts. Teressa Ellzey and Riley Herrin represented the Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention; Annie Jackson for South Mississippi Children's Center; Joan Harper, from the "Chain Gang" volunteers at Wesley Medical Center; and Leigh Ann Leonard from Forrest General Hospital.
Teressa Ellzey and Riley Herrin , Annie Jackson, Joan Harper, Leigh Ann Leonard

Geraldine Simmons and Betty Herring (pictured above) head up the walker totes and catheter bag covers. They write up instructions for the making of these and deliver them to hospitals. Betty and Joe Bingham look after the pillows and deliver them after each meeting.